Any ideas on how to treat a persistant case of dermatophillus.Horse is stabled and is affected on lower legs(all four).General condition of horse is very good.Causel effect from wearing clean clarendon schooling boots.Horse has had four attacks and seems to have no natural build up of immunity to the bacteria and subsequent attacks are as severe as the initial occurance.During attacks horse suffers severe cellulitis.Horse now exercices with no boots but is due to travel some distance and will have to wear travel boots for at least six hours.As soon as the horse sweats into the boots the problem reoccurs and takes at least four to six weeks to clear for each attack.Anti fungals have no effect and penicillin has not helped.Any ideas?
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Any ideas on how to treat a persistant case of dermatophillus.Horse is stabled and is affected on lower legs(all four).General condition of horse is very good.Causel effect from wearing clean clarendon schooling boots.Horse has had four attacks and seems to have no natural build up of immunity to the bacteria and subsequent attacks are as severe as the initial occurance.During attacks horse suffers severe cellulitis.Horse now exercices with no boots but is due to travel some distance and will have to wear travel boots for at least six hours.As soon as the horse sweats into the boots the problem reoccurs and takes at least four to six weeks to clear for each attack.Anti fungals have no effect and penicillin has not helped.Any ideas?
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